1. Alabama – AL
2. Alaska – AK
3. Arizona – AZ
4. Arkansas – AR
5. California – CA
6. Colorado – CO
7. Connecticut – CT
8. Delaware – DE
9. Florida – FL
10. Georgia – GA
11. Hawaii – HI
12. Idaho – ID
13. Illinois – IL
14. Indiana – IN
15. Iowa – IA
16. Kansas – KS
17. Kentucky – KY
18. Louisiana – LA
19. Maine – ME
20. Maryland – MD
Vocabulary- condense: verb: 1. to change from a gas to a liquid. 2. to make shorter or more concise. My report on how water vapor in the air condenses to make rain is too lengthy. My teacher said I must condense it to two pages.
- dormant: adjective: not active; sleeping. The volcano has been dormant for hundreds of years.
- remote: adjective: 1. far away. 2. small; slight. The cabin was in a remote location about 25 miles from the nearest town. There was a remote chance that visitors would drop by.
- extravagant: adjective: spending lots of money in a free and careless way. He was extravagant in his purchase of expensive gifts for his friends.