THE BUZZ ... in Intermediate 2 Language Arts Class

The BUZZ .... in Intermediate 2 Language Arts Class...... May 31 - June 2

Schedule for the last week....

TUESDAY: School 8:00 - 3:00

WEDNESDAY : Awards Assembly 8:00 - 10:00 Quality Inn (Havasu Room)

ALL are Invited!!!

THURSDAY: School 8:00 - 3:00

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spelling and Vocabulary List 17 for the Week of January 10-14

  1. signal
  2. regular
  3. generous
  4. energy
  5. bridge
  6. genius
  7. dangerous
  8. segment
  9. figure
  10. country
  11. circle
  12. concert
  13. peaceful
  14. nice
  15. since
  16. electric
  17. dancing
  18. decided
  1. balmy: adjective: soothing and mild. The balmy spring weather felt refreshing after the long winter.
  2. bask: verb: to lie in and enjoy a warm place. On warm spring days, my cat loves to sit on the windowsill and bask in the sun.
  3. denominator: noun: the number below the line in a fraction. In a fraction, the denominator indicates the number of parts a whole number is divided into.
  4. vertical: adjective: straight up and down. The firsty hill on the roller coaster ride was nearly vertical.