THE BUZZ ... in Intermediate 2 Language Arts Class

The BUZZ .... in Intermediate 2 Language Arts Class...... May 31 - June 2

Schedule for the last week....

TUESDAY: School 8:00 - 3:00

WEDNESDAY : Awards Assembly 8:00 - 10:00 Quality Inn (Havasu Room)

ALL are Invited!!!

THURSDAY: School 8:00 - 3:00

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Spelling & Vocabulary List 14 for the Week of December 6-10

  1. square
  2. stare
  3. dairy
  4. area
  5. January
  6. dictionary
  7. daring
  8. beware
  9. argument
  10. large
  11. partner
  12. guarding
  13. article
  14. orchestra
  15. ordinary
  16. important
  17. force
  18. before

  1. urge: verb: to speak or argue strongly in favor of. noun: a strong desire.  The basketball coach had to urge her star player to control the urge to take wild shots.
  2. tactful: adjective: thoughtful and sensitive in dealing with others. the tactful waiter quickly and quietly removed the glass of water with a fly in it.
  3. belfry: noun: a tower where bells are hung. The bell ringer climbed the winding staircase to the belfry every evening at 5:00 to ring the hour.
  4. critique: verb: to give an opinion of teh positive and negative points of something. Before I write my final story draft, I will ask some classmates to critique my rough draft to get ideas for ways to improve the plot.